Adam and Ian had a piano recital today and they both did great! I tried to record them very unobtrusively, which is why these videos are a bit stalker-ish. Please notice Adam's amazing focus and concentration as Luke escapes from Dad and starts making friends with the old people around us during Adam's performance.
Wow - good job Adam and Ian! You are both very good!
Thank you for posting that Michelle. It was wonderful to see part of their recital and how far Adam and Ian have come in such a short time. WOW! they are amazing! Wish we could have been there to enjoy the whole event with Luke and all :)
And it was fun to see what the kids choose to be for Halloween...there was a lot of creativity there. I bet you all had a great time!
I can't watch the videos right now because it's 4 am and it would wake everyone in the trailer up. But i just discovered that you are still blogging and that makes me really happy because I miss you guys!
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