Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Better that Mom doesn't know...

So, we were enjoying a nice cool Conference weekend at the cabin with Justin and Shari's family. In the back of my mind, I heard a chopping sound, but it didn't really register. It would stop periodically, then re-start again. Finally, I realized that the sound was coming from the little ravine where the kids were playing, so I went to check it out.

I got out there just in time to see Adam give the last big whack to fell his first tree!

(Ian helped with the chopping, too.)

I don't know if they were trying to keep it secret from me or not, but it's probably just as well. If I had known, I would been down there micromanaging, worrying, sure that the next stroke would mean a lost finger. As it worked out, they got the satisfaction of doing it by themselves, and no one got hurt! Good job boys!