Perhaps the biggest improvement was made in the laundry room/pantry/storage room. Here's the before (yes, such a cluttered mess that you almost couldn't walk through it):

And here's the after:

Three walls were painted yellow, we got rid of one set of shelves and painted the other white, and most importantly, we threw out, relocated, or reorganized almost everything. I replaced our old, gouged sheet vinyl with vinyl tiles, which may have been the most satisfying home improvement project I've done myself -- it was extremely easy, and the finished product looks remarkably like ceramic tile.
Not many people see the laundry room, but I'm in there constantly, so I love having a cheery, well-organized space!
I was pleased to see that Adam obviously felt the same way, as he started doing all of his homework in the laundry room. Then I realized it was just so he could snitch frozen cookie dough from the freezer when I wasn't looking.

I especially like the pegboard for meeting my need for organizing.
Here's the computer area, mid-demolition:

And here it is now:

We painted the wall green and put up the white magnetic boards, in addition to replacing the flooring. For the first time since we moved here, I have my desk, computer, phone, files, and bulletin boards all in the same place. I feel so efficient as I sit in one spot to go through the mail, pay bills, make phone calls, check homework, plan the month's meals, check facebook, play reversi, see what's next on my NetFlix queue, play another quick game of reversi, see if there's anything new on my blog reader, play one more game of reversi, or two if I don't win the first one...did I say efficient?
Still working on getting the family room clean enough to take photos. Hopefully in the next few days!